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Faculty and Staff Directory

Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin Staff Directory


Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin Staff Directory

Ms. Susan Ancheta
Ancheta, Ms. Susan
Director of Student Information Systems & Registrar
Office: 440-279-1077
Mrs. Courtney Bacik '98
Bacik '98, Mrs. Courtney
Annual Giving Coordinator
Office: 440-279-1079
Mr. Jason Baxter
Baxter, Mr. Jason
Athletic Director
Office: 440-279-1076
Dr. Maria Benscath
Benscath, Dr. Maria
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1451
Mr. Charles Bohnak
Bohnak, Mr. Charles
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1461
B.A., Integrated Language Arts, The University of Akron
Mr. Leo Bond
Bond, Mr. Leo
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1458
M.A., Theater, Villanova University
M.A., Education, Boston College
B.A., Theater DeSales University
Miss Audrey Bowers
Bowers, Miss Audrey
M.S., Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame
M.A., Teaching with Distinction, Relay Graduate School of Education
Miss Rachel Breckenridge
Breckenridge, Miss Rachel
Manager of Athletic Communications
Mr. Paul Breedlove
Breedlove, Mr. Paul
Director of Facilities for Notre Dame Schools
Office: 440-279-1075
Mr. Ryan Brlecic
Brlecic, Mr. Ryan
Digital Design I & II, Vis Communications, Creative Computer Art, Intro to Drawing & Painting,
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1430
B.FA., Visual Communication Design, Kent State University

Father James Caddy
Caddy, Father James
Mr. Nick Carillon
Carillon, Mr. Nick
Campus Minister
Office: 440-279-1069
B.A., Sport Management, The University of Akron
M.S., Sport Administration, University of Cincinnati

Mrs. Christine Carlozzi
Carlozzi, Mrs. Christine
School Nurse
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1128
M.A. - Child Development - The University of Akron
BSN - Ursuline College Breen School of Nursing
Licensed School Nurse - The Ohio State University
B.S. - Psychology - Ohio University
Sister Emilia Castelletti, SND
Castelletti, SND, Sister Emilia
Academic Coach
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1405
B.A., History, Government, Mathematics, Notre Dame College of Ohio
M.A., American Studies, University of Minnesota
Mr. Thomas Conkey
Conkey, Mr. Thomas
Campus Minister
Office: 440-279-1060
B.A., Criminal Justice - University of Findlay
Mr. William Davis
Davis, Mr. William
B.A., Music Education, Bowling Green State University
Mr. Pietro DeMichele
DeMichele, Mr. Pietro
Physical Education, Strength and Conditioning
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1466
B.S., Mercyhurst College
Ms. Jocelyn Denton
Denton, Ms. Jocelyn
B.S., Biology, Kent State University
M.S., Microbiology & Cell Science, University of Florida
Mr. Dominic DePasquale
DePasquale, Mr. Dominic
Facilities and Maintenance
Mrs. Kathryn Dixon
Dixon, Mrs. Kathryn
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University
NDC-TEEL Integrated Math 7-12

Mr. Clifton Dobbs
Dobbs, Mr. Clifton
Facilities and Maintenance
Sr. Karen Dolovacky, '71 SND
Dolovacky, '71 SND, Sr. Karen
Academic Coach
Mr. Alexander Dyer
Dyer, Mr. Alexander
Mrs. Leticia Echanove
Echanove, Mrs. Leticia
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1415
Universidad Autónoma de Mexico 
Mr. Michael Fleeman
Fleeman, Mr. Michael
Intervention Specialist
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1426
B.A., Mild to Mod. Intervention Specialist, Notre Dame College
Mrs. Elizabeth Ford
Ford, Mrs. Elizabeth
College Biology, Anatomy, Environmental Science
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1413
B.S., Biology, Bowling Green University
B.A., Education Life Sciences and Chemistry, Bowling Green University
M.A., Biology, Miami University 
Ms. Victoria Frabotta '86
Frabotta '86, Ms. Victoria
Intro to Lit, English, Film Study
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1414
B.A., Arts, History/English, John Carroll University
M.A., Education, John Carroll University
Mr. Evan Fritz
Fritz, Mr. Evan
Chemistry, Forensics
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1422
Mrs. Judee Geizer
Geizer, Mrs. Judee
Finance Office
Office: 440-279-1056
B.S., Biology, Medical Technology, Cleveland State University
Mrs. Laura Gooding '03
Gooding '03, Mrs. Laura
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1442
Mr. Andre Griffin
Griffin, Mr. Andre
Bachelor of Arts and Science/Sociology, The Ohio State University
Mrs. Vinka Hartman
Hartman, Mrs. Vinka
French/Academic Coach
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1416
B.A., French, Cleveland State University
Mr. Greg Heckel
Heckel, Mr. Greg
School Counselor
Office: 440-279-1063

M.Ed in School Counseling from the University of South Alabama
Mr. Devin Hernandez
Hernandez, Mr. Devin
Associate Athletic Director of Sports Performance
Office: 440-279-1072
Mr. Tony Hodun
Hodun, Mr. Tony
Academic Coach
B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
M.A., Secondary Education, Xavier Univeristy
Dr. Jacqueline Hoynes
Hoynes, Dr. Jacqueline
President, Notre Dame Schools
Office: 440-279-1050
Ms. Shirley Ivancic Stall
Ivancic Stall, Ms. Shirley
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1419
B.A., Communications, John Carroll University
Mr. Elmore James III
James III, Mr. Elmore
Asst. Director of Facilities
Office: 440-279-1075
Sister Michelle Kelly, SND
Kelly, SND, Sister Michelle
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Office: 440-279-1097
B.A., Elementary and Special Education, LaSalle University
M.A., Educational Administration, Ursuline College
Sister Joanne Keppler, SND
Keppler, SND, Sister Joanne
Director of Professional Learning
Office: 440-279-1053
B.A., English & History/Political Science, Notre Dame College of Ohio
M.A., Religious Education, University of St. Thomas
M.A.T., History & Political Science, Indiana University
Certification, High School Principal, Ursuline College
Mrs. Dana King
King, Mrs. Dana
Auxiliary Clerk
Office: 440-279-1067
B.S., Early Childhood Education, Lake Erie College
K-12 Reading Endorsement
Mrs. Katie Koci
Koci, Mrs. Katie
Director of the Counseling Department
Office: 440-279-1061
B.A., Individual and Family Studies, Kent State University
M.A., Community Counseling, John Carroll University
School Counseling Licensure, Cleveland State University
Mr. Mark Kostelac '16
Kostelac '16, Mr. Mark
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1439
B.A., Theology, Walsh University
Mrs. Mollie Kough
Kough, Mrs. Mollie
Family/Consumer Science
Office: 440-286-2662 x 1407
Mr. Keven Krajnak '98
Krajnak '98, Mr. Keven
Director of Advancement
Office: 440-279-1068
B.S., Sports Management, University of Dayton
M.B.A., Cleveland state University
Mrs. Melissa Kreatsoulas
Kreatsoulas, Mrs. Melissa
School Counselor
Office: 440-279-1064
M.A., Counselor Education, Westminster College
B.A., Arts in Psychology, The University of Akron

Mr. Chad Kuchenmeister
Kuchenmeister, Mr. Chad
Mrs. Heidi Lateulere '00
Lateulere '00, Mrs. Heidi
Academic Coach
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1412
B.A. English Literature & Education, Denison University
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, Cleveland State University
M.A. English, Rhetoric & Composition, John Carroll University
Mr. Phillip LeMay
LeMay, Mr. Phillip
NDS Transportation Coordinator
Office: 440-279-1093
B.A., Mathematics, John Carroll University
M.S., Management Information Systems, Barrington University
Mr. Benjamin Lozar '09
Lozar '09, Mr. Benjamin
Assistant Director of Admissions
Office: 440-279-1086
M.Ed. Advanced Studies, John Carroll University
B.S., Secondary Education Mathematics, University of Cincinnati
B.A., Mathematics, University of Cincinnati
Mr. Joseph Lumpkins
Lumpkins, Mr. Joseph
H. Geometry, Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Functions
Office: 440-286-6336 x 1436

B.A., Mathematics, University of Cincinnati
B.S., Secondary Education in Mathematics, University of Cincinnati

Mr. Quinn Malone
Malone, Mr. Quinn
Web Master
Office: 440-279-1073
B.A., Sport Business - University of Mount Union
M.S., Sport Administration - Arkansas State University
Mrs. Jamie Malz
Malz, Mrs. Jamie
Algebra, Algebra Concepts, Geometry
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1452
B.S., Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Akron
Mrs. Brandi Mandzak
Mandzak, Mrs. Brandi
M.A. Curriculum & Instruction, Kent State University
Miss Katherine Martin '14
Martin '14, Miss Katherine
English, H. English
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1425
M.A., Secondary Education & English, University of Dayton
Mr. Robert McBrayer
McBrayer, Mr. Robert
Health, Physical Education I
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1424
B.S., Physical Education, Ohio University Health Education, Cleveland State University
M.S., Curriculum Development, Ohio University
Mr. Ryan McCafferty
McCafferty, Mr. Ryan
School Counselor
Office: 440-279-1062
B.A., Psychology, Kent State University
M.Ed., School Counseling, Kent State University
Mrs. Maura McGinty-O'Hara
McGinty-O'Hara, Mrs. Maura
English, Honors English
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1401
B.S., Integrated Language Arts, Ohio University
Mrs. Ashley Medve
Medve, Mrs. Ashley
B.A., Communications, University of Dayton
Miss Michalena Mezzopera '14
Mezzopera '14, Miss Michalena
Honors English, English
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1437
B.A., English & Adolescent Young Adult Education, John Carroll University
Mrs. Amy Myers
Myers, Mrs. Amy
Media Specialist
Office: 440-279-1085
B.S., Integrated Social Studies, Ohio University
M.Ed., Instructional Technology and Media Specialist, Kent State University
Mrs. Lindsey Nicholson '02
Nicholson '02, Mrs. Lindsey
AP US History, US History, Honors Modern World History
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1402
B.A., History, Loyola University Chicago
B.S. Secondary Education, Loyola University Chicago
Miss Melissa Parey
Parey, Miss Melissa
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1434
B.S., Biology, Marietta College
Mrs. Marcia Pecek
Pecek, Mrs. Marcia
Honors Algebra II w/ Trig, Algebra II
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1435
B.S., Mathematics, John Carroll University
M.S., Secondary Education~Mathematics, Northeastern Illinois University
Mrs. Lynda Popik
Popik, Mrs. Lynda
Facilities and Maintenance
Mr. Christopher Poulos
Poulos, Mr. Christopher
Assistant Principal for Student Life
Office: 440-279-1054
B.S., Biology, Ohio Dominican University
M.A., Education, Ursuline College
Mrs. Ofelia Puente
Puente, Mrs. Ofelia
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1427
Mr. Adam Pysell '05
Pysell '05, Mr. Adam
Instrumental Music - Marching Band, Concert Band, Stage Band, Ukulele
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1440
B.A., Music, Hiram College
Miss Claire Raack
Raack, Miss Claire
Intro. to Ceramics, Ceramics, Intro to Design, Intro Drawing and Painting, Wheelthrowing
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1453
BFA, Art Education, Syracuse University
Ohio Four-Year Resident Visual Art Educator License (P-12)
New York Sate Initial Teaching Certification (K-12)
Mr. Kyle Rebuck
Rebuck, Mr. Kyle
Mrs. Jodie Ricci
Ricci, Mrs. Jodie
Office: 440-279-1052
Mrs. Elizabeth Riley
Riley, Mrs. Elizabeth
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1464
B.A., Spanish, Michigan State University
M.A., Theological Studies, University of Dallas 
Mr. Raymond Rockwell
Rockwell, Mr. Raymond
Academic Coach

M.Ed., Educational Administration, University of Toledo 
B.S., Bowling Green
Miss Elizabeth Rodriguez
Rodriguez, Miss Elizabeth
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1448
Dr. Matt Roesch
Roesch, Dr. Matt
Mrs. Heather Russell
Russell, Mrs. Heather
Mrs. Lindsey Sanborn
Sanborn, Mrs. Lindsey
Algebra, Math Int
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1409
B.S.E., Mathematics, Kent State University 
Mr. Greg Schmidt
Schmidt, Mr. Greg
Intro to Business, Accounting, Marketing
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1446

B.S., Electrical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
M.A., Business, Dickinson State University
M.B.A., Marketing and finance, Case Western Reserve University
Mrs. Molly Schneider
Schneider, Mrs. Molly
Col Govt., US History
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1445
B.A. History, John Carroll University
M.Ed., John Carroll University
Miss Kathleen Shaughnessy '18
Shaughnessy '18, Miss Kathleen
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1431
B.A., Theology/Catechetics, Franciscan University of Stuebenville
Mr. Brendan Sweeney
Sweeney, Mr. Brendan
B.S., Education, Kent State University
Mrs. Denice Teeples
Teeples, Mrs. Denice
Assistant Principal for Academics
Office: 440-279-1065
B.S., Biology, Bowling Green State University
M.S., Marine Biology,
Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center
M.A.T., Life Science, Kent State University
5-12 Principal License, Ursuline College
Mrs. Illiana Thomson
Thomson, Mrs. Illiana
World Languages
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1449
Mr. Edward Trebets
Trebets, Mr. Edward
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1460
M.Ed., John Carroll University
B.A., Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University
Mrs. Kelley Turner
Turner, Mrs. Kelley
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1444
Masters of Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Cleveland State University
B.S., Education, University of Dayton
Mr. Sam Vander Ven
Vander Ven, Mr. Sam
Social Studies
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1406
B.S., Education, Integrated Social Studies, Ohio University
Mr. James Vanek '13
Vanek '13, Mr. James
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1423
B.S., Secondary Religion Education, University of Dayton
M.S.E., Educational Leadership, University of Dayton             
Mr. Michael Vitale
Vitale, Mr. Michael
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1421
M.A., English, Wake Forest University
B.A., Political Science, University of Connecticut
Patrick Vuyancih
Vuyancih, Patrick
Office: 440-286-6226
Mrs. Beth Ward
Ward, Mrs. Beth
Honors Pre-Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Algebra, Trigonometry
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1411
B.S., Secondary Education, Mathematics, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
M.B.A. University of Pittsburgh
Mrs. Kellie Watrobski
Watrobski, Mrs. Kellie
Director of Admissions
Office: 440-279-1088
Mr. Cole Whiting
Whiting, Mr. Cole
Director of Finance
Office: 440-279-9332
B.A. Accounting, Cleveland State University
Mr. George Yaniga
Yaniga, Mr. George
Intro to Photography, Photography I, II & III, Design
Office: 440-286-6226 x 1452
B.A., Art Eduction, The University of Akron
Mrs. Allyson Yoder
Yoder, Mrs. Allyson
Staff Accountant
Office: 440-279-1057

All employees and volunteers who have contact with students undergo thorough screening, including background checks through the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation & Identification (BCI&I). For complete information on screening policies, see the revised Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse, section 1.2 (p. 3).