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Placement/Scholarship Testing

Placement/Scholarship Testing

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All prospective freshmen need to take our placement/scholarship test.
With students coming to NDCL from over forty different elementary and middle schools, we find that our freshmen have diverse academic experiences and skill levels. In an effort to strengthen our holistic review of students’ academic ability and better understand their unique academic gifts and talents, we administer the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test Eighth Edition (OLSAT 8 ®) as our placement/scholarship test. The OLSAT 8 is computer-based and tests verbal, nonverbal and quantitative abilities.

Students will spend the first 20 minutes of their testing session becoming comfortable with the test format through guided practice questions. They will then take the 40-minute assessment after a scheduled break.

NDCL offers academic scholarships to top scorers based on the results of our placement test. The Distinguished Scholar Award is a four-year, renewable, academic and leadership based scholarship.

Parent information sessions are held during the first hour of each placement test.

Test Dates & Sessions*:
*Each session is limited to 48 students.  Students may only test once. 

Our Final Placement Test will take place on Wednesday, December 4th at 5pm.

Session Date
                 Session Time
Saturday, November 28:30am-10:00am
Wednesday, November 65:00pm-6:30pm
Saturday, November 98:30am-10:00am

Testing Fee: $25

If you have any questions or need more information contact Kellie Watrobski, NDCL Director of Admissions at 440.279.1088