Voice Recognition

NDCL donates nearly 10,000 diapers, baby items

NDCL's school community's celebration of Homecoming included a "diaper war" to collect diapers, baby wipes, and baby bottles for the mothers and babies served by Zelie's Home in Garfield Heights.

The friendly competition paired the freshmen with the juniors and the sophomores with the seniors. NDCL collected nearly 10,000 items, including 8,860 diapers, 298 packages of baby wipes, and 119 baby bottles. Because the freshmen and juniors won the contest, we "pampered" them with a special dress-down day on Friday.


Zelie’s Home, formerly known as Maggie's Place, is a caring community that empowers pregnant and parenting women to take positive and effective action on behalf of themselves and their children by providing physical, emotional, spiritual, and professional support. 

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