Voice Recognition

With Love & Gratitude, NDCL Celebrates Mrs. Salem, Mrs. Hurt & Miss Wahl

With Love & Gratitude, NDCL Celebrates Mrs. Salem, Mrs. Hurt & Miss Wahl

With love and gratitude, students, staff, faculty, and administration celebrated three amazing women who have dedicated their lives and hearts to the mission of Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin School. Mrs. Nancy Salem (AVI food service), Mrs. Kathy Hurt (NDCL Administrative Assistant), and Miss Maureen Wahl (NDCL science teacher) brought love, light, and joy to all they encountered throughout their many years at NDCL. May the good and provident God be with them in retirement and show them a glimpse of the impact they made in the lives of so many. Congratulations and may God bless these incredible women all the days of their lives!

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