Transportation Number - (440) 256-3311
7:15 AM - Bus departs Kirtland Elementary School
(Parent drop-off is BEHIND Kirtland Elementary; cars may enter through the driveway off of Joseph St., turnaround in teacher parking lot, drop off students and exit back through Joseph St. Students are no longer permitted to walk through the school)
2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:00-3:10 PM - STOP: St. Anselm School
3:25 PM - STOP: Kirtland Elementary School
(Parents may pick-up IN FRONT of Kirtland Middle School or students transfer to their home bus.)
*When Kirtland School District is not in session
7:15 AM - Bus departs Kirtland HS
2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:00-3:10 PM - STOP: St. Anselm School
3:25 PM - STOP: Kirtland HS
(Parents may pick-up their children or students transfer to their home bus).