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Public School District Bus Transportation

Students residing in the public school districts listed below are transported by their school district at no cost to their families. NDCL does not determine these districts; rather, they meet the guidelines designated by the State of Ohio that allow a school district to provide transportation.

Berkshire School District*

Transportation Number - (440) 834-8087

7:15 AM - Bus departs Berkshire HS for NDCL

2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:00 PM - STOP: Burton Elementary

    (Parents may pick up their children or students transfer to their home bus.)
*On Thursdays, because of Berkshire Schools’ early dismissal, pre-arrangements must be made for parent pick-up option.

Cardinal School District

Transportation Number - (440) 632-0261 ext. 6005

7:10 AM – Bus departs Cardinal HS for NDCL

2:50 AM – Bus departs NDCL

(Parents may pick up their children or students transfer to their home bus.)

Chardon School District

Transportation Number - (440) 285-4069

7:15 AM -  Bus departs Chardon Middle School for NDCL

2:50 PM -  Bus departs NDCL
3:15 PM -  STOP: Chardon Middle School
    (Parents may pick up their children or students transfer to their home bus.)

Kenston School District

Transportation Number - (440) 543-9567


7:05 AM -  Bus departs Kenston Intermediate School (17419 Snyder Road)

2:50 PM -  Bus departs NDCL
3:20 PM - STOP: Kenston Middle School (17425 Snyder Road)
     (Parents may pick up their children near the tennis court or students remain on bus for district transport)

3:30 PM -  STOP: Timmons Elementary School
   (Students transfer to home bus)

Kirtland School District *

Transportation Number - (440) 256-3311


7:15 AM -  Bus departs Kirtland Elementary School
    (Parent drop-off is BEHIND Kirtland Elementary; cars may enter through the driveway off of Joseph St., turnaround in teacher parking lot, drop off students and exit back through Joseph St. Students are no longer permitted to walk through the school)

2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:00-3:10 PM - STOP: St. Anselm School
3:25 PM - STOP: Kirtland Elementary School
     (Parents may pick-up IN FRONT of Kirtland Middle School or students transfer to their home bus.)

*When Kirtland School District is not in session
7:15 AM -  Bus departs Kirtland HS

2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:00-3:10 PM - STOP: St. Anselm School
3:25 PM - STOP: Kirtland HS
     (Parents may pick-up their children or students transfer to their home bus).

Mayfield School District*

Transportation Number - (440) 995-7890

7:08 AM -  Bus departs Mayfield HS
7:11 AM -  STOP: Mayfield MS and then proceeds to NDCL

2:50 PM -  Bus departs NDCL
3:15 PM -  STOP: St. Francis of Assisi
3:30 PM -  STOP: Mayfield MS
   (Parents may pick up their children or students transfer to their home bus.)

*When Mayfield School District is not in session

7:08 AM -  Bus departs Mayfield HS
7:11 AM -  STOP: Mayfield MS and then proceeds to NDCL

2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:15 PM - STOP: St. Francis of Assisi
   (Parents may pick-up their children or students transfer to their home bus)

Mentor School District

Transportation Number - (440) 974-5260
Prior to the beginning of each school year, Mentor School District will send a letter asking parent to indicate which transportation they will be utilizing, if any.

7:05 AM - Bus departs Mentor HS
7:10 AM - Bus departs Hopkins Elementary and then proceeds NDCL

2:40 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:11 PM - STOP: Ridge MS
3:20 PM - STOP: Memorial MS
3:36 PM - STOP: Shore MS


Transportation Number - (440) 357-5571

7:10 AM - Bus departs Auburn Career Center for NDCL

2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:10 PM - Bus arrives at Auburn Career Center

West Geauga School District

For information regarding transportation from West Geauga School District, please click HERE.

Willoughby-Eastlake School District

Transportation Number - (440) 975-3736

7:15 AM - Bus departs South High School for NDCL

2:50 PM - Bus departs NDCL
3:20 PM - STOP: Chardon/Worrell intersection
3:20 PM - STOP: Chardon/Loreto intersection
3:25 PM - STOP: Willoughby City Hall
3:30 PM - STOP: South HS
   (Parents may pick-up their children or students transfer to their home bus)