Theology Theology 9 Theology 10 Theology 11 Theology 12
Business Accounting Introduction to Business* Marketing Principles* Digital Design I* Digital Design II* Visual Communications Studio* Visual Communications Studio Manager 3D Computer Animation* Application and Game Design* Computer Programming with Java* Advanced Computer Programing with Java*
English English 9 Honors English 9 (W) English 10 Honors English 10 (W) English 11 Honors English 11 (W) English 12 College English Comp. I (W)* College English Comp. II (W)* College Introduction to Lit. I (W)* College Introduction to Lit. II (W)* Speech* Creative Writing* Film Study* Faith and Justice in Life and Lit.* Rebels with a Cause (W)*
Family & Consumer Science Creative Foods I* Creative Foods II* Family & Child Development* Independent Living*
Health/Physical Education Health* Physical Education I* Physical Education II* Adv. Physical Education I* Adv. Physical Education II* Strength and Conditioning* Adv. Strength and Conditioning*
Mathematics Algebra I Honors Algebra I (W) Geometry Honors Geometry (W) Algebra II Concepts Algebra II Honors Algebra II-Trig (W) Honors Pre-Calculus (W) Trigonometry* Pre-Calculus*
| Mathematics (cont.) Statistics* Functions* Calculus I A* Calculus I B* College Calculus I (W)* College Calculus II (W)* College Statistics I (W)* College Statistics II (W)* Engineering Principles*
Performing Arts Choir* Advanced Choir* Stage Band (Semester or full year) Marching Band - through credit flex Ukulele* Advanced Music Theory* Science Physical Science: STEM Explorations Biology Honors Biology (W) Environmental Science Chemistry Honors Chem. & Complement (W) Physics & Complement AP Physics & Complement (W) Human Anatomy and Physiology College Biology w/ Lab I (W)* College Biology II w/ Lab (W)* Astronomy* Forensic Science A* Forensic Science B* Biodiversity* STEM: Biomedical Studies*
Social Studies Modern World History Honors Modern World History (W) U.S. History Government* Economics* Sociology* World Issues* Human Geography* College American Government & Politics (W) College Major Themes in American History (W) College Intro. to Psychology (W)*
| Visual Arts Art Exploration* Intro. to Drawing & Painting* Intro. to Ceramics* Intro. to Photography* Drawing and Painting I* Drawing and Painting II* Art Exploration I* Art Exploration II* Creative Computer Art* Ceramics I* Ceramics II* Ceramics III* Wheel Throwing* Traditional/Digital Photography I* Traditional/Digital Photography II* Traditional/Digital Photography III* AP Studio Art I (W) AP Studio Art II (W)
World Languages French I French II French III Spanish I Spanish Il Spanish III College Spanish II (W) *
College Credit Plus Courses Introuction to Psychology (W)* Rebels with a Cause (W)* College English Comp. I (W)* College English Comp. II (W)* College Intro. to Literature I (W)* College Intro. to Literature II (W)* College Biology w/ Lab I (W)* College Biology w/ Lab II (W)* College Calculus I (W) * College Calculus II (W) * College Statistics I (W)* College Statistics II (W)* College Major Themes in American History (W) College American Government & Politics (W) College Spanish II (W)*
* - Semester Course
W - Weighted Grade Course
The school reserves the right to cancel any course if an insufficient number of students register for it or there is not an available teacher.