Honors and Advanced Placement
NDCL's academically
talented students are encouraged to take Honors and Advanced Placement courses
for which they qualify. These courses prepare them for the Advanced Placement
tests and provide them with greater academic challenges. AP exams give students
the opportunity to receive advanced college placement and/or college credit.
Deficiencies in Credit
Deficiencies in credit must be remediated in summer school, credited on-line classes, or by means of a certified tutor. These credits may not be made up by carrying additional courses during the school term or by retaking the courses at NDCL.
A student who is deficient in credit must make up the credit before returning to NDCL in the fall.
A student who fails more than the equivalent of one (1) credit in a given school year may be asked to withdraw from Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin School.
For any semester F, a senior must make up the course or take a course of equivalent credit before a diploma will be issued.