We have ways to recognize students who go above and beyond in their service.
The Sr. Jacquelyn Gusdane, SND, Service Award
Each year, outstanding service is acknowledged at each grade level with the Sr. Jacquelyn Gusdane, SND, Service Award. The recipient will be chosen based upon applications and interviews with interested students who were inspired by their service and want to share that inspiration with others.
Commencement Service Cord
Outstanding service will be recognized with a purple cord to be worn at Commencement. Students completing the minimum 20 hours of service per grade level as well as 20 additional hours over each of the four years will be eligible for the cord (a total of 160 hours in the course of four years). Additional criteria for selection will include variety in service as well as involvement with Campus Ministry programs and projects.
The Campus Ministry Senior Hands of a Servant Award
Awarded to recognize students who have demonstrated leadership through extraordinary service to Campus Ministry by participating in numerous events and service projects throughout the school year in order to transform the world.